There Are Only 2 Kinds of Businesses: Those That Compete & Businesses That Have a Monopoly

1 minute, 27 seconds Read
The name Peter Thiel doesn’t trend as much as it should, at least in my opinion.  I’ve posted a video previously where Peter discusses why competition is for losers.  after founding PayPal and selling it to Ebay, making him super rich, he was the first outside investor in Facebook. 

I think entrepreneurs should have great mentors, so I have begun posting video interviews of successful entrepreneurs in different sectors and fields so you, the reader, can get advice from those that have done it.  Create a profitable successful business that is. 

Peter thinks that their are only 2 kinds of businesses in the world.  Those that compete like crazy and those that have a monopoly.  And Peter states that an entrepreneur should be focused on accomplishing the latter; having a monopoly. Watch the interview here:

-Nick Coriano

About the Author: Nicholas Coriano is a Business Consultant.  He is a graduate of The University of Connecticut Business School and the John Marshall Law School in Chicago.  He has worked at Merrill Lynch, The New York Stock Exchange and is currently a partner at Cervitude Intelligent Relations, which specializes in Investor Relations for companies valued under $1 Billion USD.

About MicroCapCompany.COM: MicroCapCompany.COM (The Blog) is a blog focused on providing articles, news and information on the micro cap sector and start-ups.  The Blog is a free service offered by Cervitude™ Investor Relations – a micro cap investor relations firm for micro cap companies and penny stocks.  If there is a particular topic you would like to see covered on The Blog, email us. If you would like to advertise on The Blog, click here. 

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