How Micro Cap Companies Can Find Investors Online

1 minute, 31 seconds Read
A micro cap company can attract investors by using social media platforms to market their company. A micro cap company is a publicly traded company that has a market capitalization between $50 million and $300 million. Often, most micro cap companies are considered high risk because of the companies lack of history, lack of sales, small shareholder base, etc. Nonetheless, investing in micro cap companies can result in a profitable return when investing strategically.

Before a micro cap company gets investors, they must do their due diligence to ensure a sense of security for investor. Questions like how, when, or why may arise and the answer is social media. Social media facilitates information and ideas that can help micro cap companies communicate and network with potential investors. Micro Cap companies should execute the following:

  • Google AdWords: Ads will be run to dominate cost effective keyword phrases.
  • A Facebook & Instagram Page: Each post will engage users by asking a question, proposing an idea, calls to action, and sign-up forms.
  •  A Twitter Profile: A twitter account should be created. Links to pictures and features will be tweeted as well as hashtags.
  • Share videos: Visual content that promotes your company, product or services will draw investors. Investor groups on Facebook.
  • Posting advertisement on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Celebrity branding & celebrity endorsement.

Sharing content on social media, if done strategically and on the right platforms, will be very effective. From a micro cap company’s perspective, it is crucial to understand the importance of social media because it allows the company to convey their value to investors.

If you are a Micro Cap Company seeking advice or help with finding investors online, please visit for further information.

How Micro Cap Companies Can Find Investors Online

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