The True Cost of being a Publicly Traded Micro Cap Company or Penny Stock

If you believe the hype on the Internet, an IPO (or taking your company public) is the answer to all of your company problems.  You will get boat loads of cash, investors will our in from all over the world and the prestige you gain from being listed on a stock exchange will make your […]

Why Understanding Reverse Mergers is Important to Penny Stock Investors

If you invest in or are interested in investing in penny stocks then you must learn about reverse mergers. Reverse mergers are when a private company take over control of a public company and input it’s management and business into the public company. Basically the private company purchases a majority of all outstanding shares in […]

Reverse Merger Steps, Tips and Advice

In a reverse merger transaction, an existing public “shell company,” which is a public reporting company  with few or no operations, acquires a private operating company-usually one that is seeking access to funding in the US Capital Markets. In a PowerPoint titled “Alternative Public Offerings: What Companies Need to Know” by Barry I. Grossman, Esq. […]

Taking a Company Public Without an IPO: Is the Reverse Merger The Way to Go?

Going public does not entail an IPO for all companies. Very successful companies such as Berkshire Hathaway, Turner Broadcasting System, and Texas Instruments have gone public through a reverse merger. Simply put, a reverse merger is where a private company purchases a public company and installed new management, a new business model, and essencially replaces […]

Investing in Shell Companies trading Over The Counter (OTC) Pre-Reverse Merger

A reverse takeover or reverse merger (reverse IPO) is the acquisition of a public company by a private company so that the private company can bypass the lengthy and complex process of going public.  The transaction typically requires reorganization of capitalization of the acquiring company.  In the micro cap sector this is usually done by […]